Thursday, August 23, 2007

Potty Training Update James has been seriously potty training for the last few weeks. Every morning he wakes up and goes pee pee on the potty. Some mornings are better than others, but I have been quite successful getting him to go. He had a lot more trouble going potty at school.

Finally, last Friday he went pee pee for Ms. Laura in the afternoon. Early this week he would refuse to go potty for Mrs. Betty (the AM teacher) but would go for Ms. Laura. Thank the Lord, today he went pee pee for Mrs. Betty. What ever the issue was, it appears as though he is finally getting over that.

We haven't had much success with...hmmm...let's say, number 2. :) Tonight I could tell that he had to go, but he kept telling me that he didn't. We went up for his bath and got all washed up. As he was playing in the tub he got on his knees and started to poop, and said, "mommy, I gotta poop." GREAT!! I grabbed him out of the tub (as the log dropped into the water) and put him on the potty. It took a lot of convincing but he finally "finished" on the potty. So I guess he technically went poo poo on the potty this evening. Maybe now that he knows what it is like to go on the potty, maybe he will be more willing. Cross your fingers. I am hoping to get him out of diapers and into underoos as quickly as possible.

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