Saturday, November 10, 2007

Remarkable Progress Potty Training

James is doing exceptionally well with potty training. It is truly amazing. About a week and a half ago, I switched James to underwear. He learned very quickly that you don't want to pee pee in your pants (cause it goes everywhere). From that point on, he has had very few accidents. In fact, he has not had a single accident at school (knock on wood).

For the last 3 nights, James has woken up dry. I was shocked. The poor little guy was real sick on Wednesday night, but he managed to stay dry. On Thursday night, he went to bed at 6:30 and woke up at 6:30 the next morning...DRY!!!! And last night he went to bed normal time (8:00) and woke up just before 7:00...again dry! Each morning he calls for me and says he needs to go potty.

I am so pleased with his progress. I would tell any parent that has been struggling with potty training to consider abandoning the pull ups and go to underwear. The first time he had an accident in his underwear (it was be prepared for that), but he freaked out and learned very quickly that he did not like that feeling. YEAHHH!!!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

CBC Ladies Retreat 11/2 - 11/4

Community Bible Church hosted a Ladies Retreat at Camp Buckner the weekend of 11/2 through 11/4. I was privledged to attend!! I met some amazing ladies, gave myself a weekend to detox and really focus on myself, and actually had some great fun. The was really uplifting music, workshops, quiet times, meals, etc.

I decided to attend the CBC retreat completely alone, not knowing a soul. I signed up for the carpool hoping to meet some ladies on the 90 minute drive to Marble Falls where Camp Buckner is located. Lyn was our driver, Lisa, Barbara and myself were the passengers. We immediately hit it off! Barbara is actually the office manager for James' pediatrician...small world. I will never forget these ladies...they are truly great women.

When we arrived, we registered and got assigned to our cabins. We were all sleep in different quarters...which was ok, cause that meant I got to meet even more new people. I set up my bunk and headed to the "newbie" meeting for all women who have never been to a CBC retreat. While waiting for that to begin, I met Barbara (a different lady from my carpool Barbara). She invited me to sit with her and we were good friends for the rest of the weekend. We headed to dinner together and had lots to chat about. During dinner, I looked up and saw my neighbor. I had no idea she would be there...but it was a pleasant surprise. We had lots of time to chat and catch up.

The weather was so beautiful the whole weekend which allowed being outdoors to be very pleasant. I didn't sleep too well the first night. Kind of difficult on a top bunk with 15 other women in the room. The retreat team was sweet to provide ear plugs...but I wasn't smart enough to use the for the first smarter the second night!

Below are some pictures from the weekend.

Some amazing sculptures

Closer up of one of the sculptures

Where we received communion

Beautiful scenery

Jen (my neighbor), me and Teresa (my other neighbor)

Barbara and me

Lisa, Lyn, Barbara and me (Our Carpool)

On the way home we took a scenic route and got a great view of a private castle. Take a look!

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Halloween and Pink Eye...all in one day

On the eve of Halloween, James developed Pink Eye...Conjuctivitis. So, luckily, his father was able to start the medication at about 6:00 pm the night before, so we were safe to trick or treat the evening of Halloween. Here are some pics from our day home together.

He's my angel...even though the shirt suggests otherwise. :)

He doesn't look too sick, does he?

If that's not an angel, I don't know what is!!
After I got done working my sick boy to the bone with housework (yeah right), it was almost time for trick or treating. At first, he wasn't too excited about putting on his costume.

Buzz Lightyear to the rescue!!

Buzz Lightyear not so sure about being Buzz Lightyear.

Happy Buzz with Papa.

Trick or Treat!!

Look what I got!!

We had a wonderful evening together. It was really nice to have the whole day together and then enjoy Halloween, friends, trick or treating, and handing out candy.

Spurs Game with Dad - 10/30/07

Dad and I went to the Spurs game on Tuesday, October 30, 2007. He received the tickets from Resources. This was my very first Spurs game. About time since I've lived here for almost 5 years. The Spurs played the Portland Trail Blazers. The was opening night at the AT&T center and we had the pleasure of seeing the Spurs receive their 2007 championship rings. As expected, the Spurs won (106 - 97).

Here are some fun pics from the Game.