Saturday, December 29, 2007

James' 3rd birthday

Wow...3-years-old already. Where does the time go. James was so excited. I made cupcakes for the class. As we walked into daycare, James said, "I'm 3 today." He's so darn cute. After daycare, I picked him up and then went to Grandma's to pick her up. Papa was at a party, so he joined us after dinner. We celebrated with cake and then presents. Grandma and Papa got James a Thomas the Train balloon...which he loves and (2-weeks later) is still floating like the first day!! Here are some pics from the day.

Officially Potty-trained

James has been potty-trained now for probably about 4-6 weeks now...even through the night. I am so amazed at how quickly it happened. Once he was put in underwear, he just kind of got it. Now, we have had a few accidents here and there, but for the most part it has been great. I gave the remaining diapers to my neighbor friend and the pull-ups to my dear friend Melissa.

Crazy Busy

Ok...for all of you who read my blog, you have noticed that I haven't posted in a while. As December approaches we have James' birthday and the it gets a little nutsy around here. Sorry for the multiple posts...but hopefully this will update everyone.