Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Joys of Parenthood

This past Friday was a very interesting one. First off, I hadn't seen James in two days as he was spending time with his father. I went to pick him up at daycare and as I walked in he was wearing clothes I didn't recognize and had no shoes or socks on. I said, "where are your shoes baby?" The teacher said, "oh...yeah...ummm...well...we were outside and James had pooped and well...he decided to take his shorts off, then his diaper, then play in it." Then she handed me the sealed bag with his dirty clothes, shoes, and socks inside. We went home and I got the pleasure of opening that bag. I couldn't clean his shoes at the sink, so everything went into the washing machine.

Ahh...The joys of motherhood.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

First Visit to Community Bible Church (CBC)

I seem to go back and forth about attending church. The thing is that I really feel better mentally and emotionally when I attend church on a regular basis. The method in which the message is delivered is very important to me and needs to be focused on application to real, everyday life versus something so intangible I can't relate.

CBC was really great today. It is a very large church and has alot to offer. The child building (yes building) is amazing. There are multiple classes with wonderful volunteers who watch and play with the children while the parents are in service. Today's service was focused around parenting. The pastor, Robert Emmit, is extremely funny, very down to earth, and easy to relate to. He spoke of his children leaving home and him and his wife now having an "empty nest". He ended service with a country cool!!

CBC also has a number of ministries. One of the is a Single's Ministry. They have groups for single moms, single parents, something called a Single Mingle (dinners, movies, events - with other singles). This seems like a good option for me to get to know other singles with similar values. I don't know that I will necessarily meet someone there to date, however it would be nice to meet more people in my same situation and who can relate.

Anyway, I will most likely attend again. Like I said earlier, I feel much better when I attend.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Surf's Up - Movies with James & The Griffin's

Melissa called me at about 11:20 AM and said, "hey, you want to go to the 12:40 Surf's Up at Fiesta 16 theater with the boys? There is a 12:10 at Northwoods, but we can't make that." Heehee...the Griffin's are so funny. I am the opposite, I can jump up and make it anywhere in 2.5 seconds...granted, I'm ill prepared, but I will be there. Now Melissa tends to be on the later side, but the girl thinks of everything to bring...she is definitely the awesome stay at home mom that has EVERYTHING in her bag...even for my kid. God, I love her!!

Well, so we agreed to go to the movie. We had such a great experience with the kids on 4th of July, why would this be any different. :) The movie was PG...not really great for 2 year-olds. Had not so great language and it really wasn't basic enough to keep their attention. By the end, Jack had gone potty 4 times and James was climbing on the seats in front of us.

As we were leaving James decided to start running through the halls. I asked him to stop, however he refused. I forced him to hold my hand, which he didn't like. He started to scream, yell, cry, and hit me. It's always so pleasant when everyone is looking at you. He cried himself into a state that we weren't even back onto I10 and he was passed out in the back. Luckily he still napped for me at home (about 90 min) so that was good. great experience at the not so great. We'll chalk it up to the movie content. Let's see how the next one goes!!

The Start of the Journal

I had been thinking about recording my thoughts for some time now. It really became an easy possibility when one of my best San Antonio friends started her blog. While I was reading her blog, I noticed that I could start my own. I feel a little like a copy cat, but hey, that's okay. I want to be able to look back on these days and really reflect on how I was feeling.

Just to set up who I am...I am recently divorced. Joel and I separated in November of 2006, I filed for divorce in March 2007 and the divorce was final on May 30, 2007. I have been a single mom now for a little over a month and have gone through a range of emotions. I have an amazing little boy, James who was born on December 13, 2004. I also have an amazing set of close friends and family who care about me deeply and who I would do anything for. I will elaborate a little more in future blogs.

I hope those of you who know me learn something new by reading this. Hopefully, James and any future children will enjoy reading my thoughts when they get much much older.