Saturday, July 7, 2007

Surf's Up - Movies with James & The Griffin's

Melissa called me at about 11:20 AM and said, "hey, you want to go to the 12:40 Surf's Up at Fiesta 16 theater with the boys? There is a 12:10 at Northwoods, but we can't make that." Heehee...the Griffin's are so funny. I am the opposite, I can jump up and make it anywhere in 2.5 seconds...granted, I'm ill prepared, but I will be there. Now Melissa tends to be on the later side, but the girl thinks of everything to bring...she is definitely the awesome stay at home mom that has EVERYTHING in her bag...even for my kid. God, I love her!!

Well, so we agreed to go to the movie. We had such a great experience with the kids on 4th of July, why would this be any different. :) The movie was PG...not really great for 2 year-olds. Had not so great language and it really wasn't basic enough to keep their attention. By the end, Jack had gone potty 4 times and James was climbing on the seats in front of us.

As we were leaving James decided to start running through the halls. I asked him to stop, however he refused. I forced him to hold my hand, which he didn't like. He started to scream, yell, cry, and hit me. It's always so pleasant when everyone is looking at you. He cried himself into a state that we weren't even back onto I10 and he was passed out in the back. Luckily he still napped for me at home (about 90 min) so that was good. great experience at the not so great. We'll chalk it up to the movie content. Let's see how the next one goes!!

1 comment:

Melissa Beth said...

Tracey is awfully generous to descibe our family as "tending to be on the later side." Yes, we pack heavy, even for a short outing. What she failed to mention is the fact that during one of our FOUR trips to the potty in 80 minutes, Jack peed down the front of the toilet all over his outfit. That big 'ol bag came in handy. As we departed after the movie, James' screams fading as we walked away, Jack says all matter-of-factly, "James is crying because he is missing me."