Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sea World - What Fun!!

Well, I bit the bullet and bought a season pass for Sea World. James and I get the rest of this year along with 2008 unlimited into Sea World. Melissa and Jack invited James and me to Sea World for a 10-2 visit.

It's great going with a pro, cause I have no idea what I am doing just yet. We got into the park and took some quick pics.

Then it was off to the Sea Lion Show. Which was really fun, very amazing, and a wee bit hot!!

Then...we went to have some fun at the pool. We went in the wave pool...all the boys were pros at jumping at the waves. Then we went down the big twisty slide. That was probably more fun for mommy than it was for James.

After the pool, it was lunch at the cafe. The boys got the pleasure of seeing a really cool Shamu show right after lunch. Since the boys were quite tired after lunch, we decided to feed the dolphins and then head out. It was a blast. Can't wait to go back!!

It's been a long time

Ok, Sorry to all the people who read my blog. I haven't posted in what seems like forever...probably because it has been close to a month. Luckily for me I will get in a post or two before September is out.

Here's a little recap of September's events. On September 1st, I regained possesion of my house. So I spent all of Labor Day weekend cleaning the filthy thing. I know the market is slow, but I wouldn't have bought my house either.

We moved back in about September 7th and James was a little confused. He didn't really understand why Mommy was staying at Daddy's house and Daddy wasn't there. This is such a tough age for them to understand things...but I try and do my best.

September has also brought some fun church events.

I promise I won't wait so long to write going forward. Need to make the time to record the wonderful events of mine and James'. Love you all!